Working Smart not Working Hard

In today’s workplace, what works best in a short amount of time is more important than working hard. Working hard refers to a condition when you arrive at office before most people arrive and again every evening, you work overtime. Even though you’re doing your best, you may not get good results. Such people are busier than most and are always busy.

Working smart means getting the best results from working effectively in the shortest amount of time you need to work within given hours. These people can work lightly and perform well without any hassle in busy situations.

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Tips for CV Preparation for the Executives

Just as other job positions, executives should also prepare their CVs carefully to attract the interests of the employers. As an executive, you should stand out to be chosen for an interview among all other job applicants. The most important part of preparing your CV is to avoid providing too many information. Below are some common mistakes that executives do in their CVs, and with these tips, you can prepare for the best by avoiding the following mistakes.

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Seven Questions to Ask Before Changing Job

When people consider about changing their job because they are not happy having hard time at their current work, most of them tend to think about how they should negotiate for better salary, what position they should apply for, and whether they can enjoy holidays at weekends. In fact, there are many more important things to be considered. Among them, I have chosen the most essential (7) questions you should ask yourself before you decide to change to a new job.

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Tips For Working From Home

In the midst of COVID-19 outbreak, many companies are increasingly applying Working From Home (WFH) policy for their employees. Although this may provide convenience for all the employees in some businesses, it is impossible for some sort of works to apply the same way. I myself has been working from home for a month or so now so let me share some of my insights about ways to work from home and how you can effectively accomplish your work during WFH.

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People Who Can Help You Level Up Your Career

Everyone wants to level up their career in their life. As many of you may have seen, people try to get additional degrees and take classes which they think are useful for their career success. Indeed, these options are really helpful for their career. But in this article, I want to share you the kinds of people who can effectively support you reach to the top in your career life.


A mentor is someone who has broader experiences and knowledge than you do. A mentor can be older than you or maybe younger.

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How To Reduce Work Stress?

Work Stress means feeling worry and frustrated at work, losing confidence etc. When you are under work stress, you will feel demotivated, exhausted, stomach pain, lose focus and have sleepless nights.

Work stress is felt among most of today workforce. At workplace, everything is not under control but you can prevent feeling work stress by doing below.

  • Find the root causes of worry

If you are always under work stress, find out the root casues of worry.

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How To Build A Good Relationship With your Boss

Many employees that I know have expressed their feelings about not having a good relationship with their bosses. They mentioned that they are not happy working at an organization where the boss does not recognize their accomplishments and workloads. Some of them even said that they no longer want to work there and thus may ponder to quit the job.

When asked in the interviews about why the candidates would consider to quit a certain job,

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Laura Cho
Five Signs For Career Change

Obviously, many people around us are happy and successful in their career life after choosing the right career that they love. But there are also people who simply chose a career just to get a job but without considering what they really enjoy doing and what they are passionate about. At some point, those people will start losing their interest and motivation at work and eventually become unhappy. How can they know that it is time for them to make career change?

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Improve Your Interpersonal Skills For Career Success

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are life skills that we use everyday to communicate and interact with other people individually or in groups. If a person has a good interpersonal skills, he/she has more potential to have success at work or personal life. Therefore, interpersonal skills are important not only at workplace but also for personal life. Someone with good interpersonal skills will be seen as being calm,

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Soft Skills That Employers Are Looking For In The Employees

In this today workplace, employers are taking into consideration of both hard skills (technical skill) and soft skills such as communication, teamwork etc. when in recruitment or promotion. Hard skill differs according to the job nature but soft skill are similarly the same in every job in general. Hard skill could be learned from the formal education, training and on-job training and soft skill could be improved through learning and practices. There are trainings which emphasize on teaching soft skills where you can join and learn or on the other hand, you have to practice those.

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"Development" or "Salary"

Whenever you apply a job or change new job, you will always face a situation where you have to choose either development or salary. Sometimes, you may not know which one to choose. You have also encountered a situation in which a good job offer low salary or a job has no development with good salary. If you face such kind of circumstances, how will you decide to choose?

I have asked a question to my readers on my blog. Here is the question:

If you are asked to choose one job, which one will you choose?

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How To Get Noticed By The Employers/Recruiters On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the social media platforms and the number of users is increasing day by day. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is a professional social media site where most users mention their real working experiences, qualification etc. and on the other hand, it can be called a curriculum vitae of a person. The users in Myanmar is also increasing daily and the employers and recruiters are using it to advertise their job vacancies and recruit the candidates from this site.

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What I learned from my Year of Hiking

Last year this time, I was wondering what I feel like setting the resolution for the year 2017. What came to my mind was that I want to be mentally strong in order to face adversity in life and on the other hand, I want to be physically fit as I didn’t do any sport and got sick very often. We always do the resolution at the end of the year or in early new year but always end up not fulfilling it after two or three months later. So I set fun resolution which I am eager to do to support my goals. That’s how my Year of Hiking started.

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Are You Feeling Monday Blues? Do these!

What is Monday Blues?

Monday Blues means you are feeling worry and demotivated to go to work on Mondays and not getting ready for the tasks in coming week.

Most employees feel happy on Friday to take rest on weekends but they may feel Monday Blues on Monday. It is the feeling of most employees who are afraid to pass Sunday night to face with Monday. If you are one of them feeling Monday Blues, you can do these then your Mondays will become alive and energinzed to go to work.

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Laura Cho
5 Resume Tips To Help Land Your Dream Job

The first step of job application is sending your resume to the company that you would like to apply. The companies receive piles of applications whenever they advertise for one position. What an applicant needs to do is preparing a stand-out resume to catch the interviewer's eyes. Every job applicant want to be invited for job interview.  They can use the following (5) resume tips to help land their dream job.

>> Click to read more.

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Laura Cho